Oh lovely Gothenburg, a beautiful city and a really succesful show with many beekeepers. Can’t wait to be there in 2021. Contact our partner in Sweden: Skogens Honung – Lars Johansson www.skogenshonung.se
Monthly Archives: March 2019
Underbara Göteborg! En vacker stad och vi hade en framgångsrik mässa på det allra första Apiscandia. Många besökare och trevliga biodlare. Vi ser verkligen fram emot att återvända 2021. Kontakta vår återförsäljare i Sverige: Skogens Honung – Lars Johansson www.skogenshonung.se
We can announce a really great show this year, many beekeepers came where we have been able to show the visitors our products. Wide range of our goods has been on display at our stand. If you missed it there is still opportunity to buy Königin products: contact our distributors in the UK! Old Castle […]